We live in a world full of different personalities, characters and egos. The way you manage your employees will reflect greatly on your business. Businesses are always looking for ways to reduce costs whilst improving the leadership skills and the ability of their staff members. Many have taken to enrolling their staff in courses due to their structured nature and their clear outcomes.

EDNA can connect you with trusted course providers in Australia who offer courses in leadership and management, and business. These online courses are growing in popularity as they give employees flexibility whilst ensuring employees are learning what they need to improve their management skills and leadership abilities.

What is the goal of a good leader?

For people that have completed any type of leadership training, they know that there are many types of management styles, but they also realise that regardless of your management style, the end goal is always to create a workforce whose team has the organisation’s interests at the forefront of their minds. Treating employees with respect and ensuring their efforts or achievements are recognised will have a flow-on effect on how they treat and take care of your customers. Ensuring staff are happy at work will go a long way in achieving a productive workforce and loyal customers.

Companies now understand that management plays a key role in the success of the overall business. Promoting employees that have not graduated from a leadership or business course is very risky. Leaders that don’t have the right management skills will create a tension-filled environment which would lead to low productivity and lack of loyalty to the organisation.

Undertaking the formal training leadership course ensure managers are equipped with all the tools and knowledge required to lead a team. Managers need to carefully consider and choose the best management style to adopt in order to fully utilise the strengths of their team and achieve the company’s set goals and objectives.

What are the different types of management styles?

Below are some of the best management styles for employee

  1. Democratic: just like the name implies, the democratic management style makes sure everyone has a say in the company. The manager listens to the employees and together they find a common ground prior to making a decision. The goal is to have two-way communication. Instead of one party passing down information every time and expected to be followed without question. This management style shows the employees that they matter, that their opinions count. This will result in the manager gaining the employee’s respect, increase in productivity, and their loyalty.
  2. Consultative/paternalistic: this form of managerial style is dictatorial, but it considers the interest of the employees. It considers the employees’ social and recreational needs. Information flow is from the top to bottom but there is an open door policy. Feedback is expected. This form of management style is advised if employees’ loyalty is endangered. The only repercussion is that it makes employees dependent on the manager which might lead to low productivity.
  3. Chaotic: this modern form of management style gives total control of decision-making to the employees. As chaotic as it is, some of the companies that employed the style have become some of the most innovative and influential.
  4. Directive: this is the “do it the way I told you to” management style. It is a disciplinarian management style that deals with threats. “do what you’re told or you will be fired”. This management style keeps the employees on their toes. They stick to rules and do what is expected of them when it is expected. Of course, employees who cannot cope will leave. Most employees under such management are competent. This management style works best in a crisis.
  5. Coaching: this is a managerial style that deals with the development of the employees professionally. This managerial style motivates and encourages employees to develop their professional skills by providing them with different opportunities to soar.

Each of these management styles cannot function alone. This is why a manager must know how to blend the different management styles to achieve the desired result. There are some people that are born as “natural leaders”, but for the majority of people, this information needs to be learned, and hence the reason why many are enrolling in leadership and management courses to further refine their skills and abilities and help them make crucial decisions.